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Portfolio News: QODA Consulting Limited (ESG Case Study)

QODA Ltd: ESG Case Study – The Largest Passivhaus Development in the UK – Purdown View

The University of the West of England’s (UWE) Purdown View, a project on which QODA has provided Passivhaus Consultancy, Soft Landings, and MEP support, achieved Passivhaus certification in summer 2024. This 900-bed student accommodation is now one of the largest Certified Passivhaus projects in Europe, and the largest in the UK, and is a testament to energy efficiency and comfort.

By implementing the Passivhaus design philosophy from an early stage, QODA collaborated with architects Stride Treglown to create a smart, passive façade that optimises daylight and natural ventilation benefits while reducing solar gains. The highly insulated building fabric reduces winter space heating demands to less than 15 kWh/m2 and eliminates the need for energy intensive active cooling systems in the summer.

Beyond its handover, QODA continues to provide Soft Landings services on this project and will be supporting UWE to monitor its in-use performance.

QODA’s involvement in Purdown View highlights their commitment to ESG principles. By implementing Passivhaus standards and supporting the project’s long-term performance, QODA is driving sustainability and energy efficiency in the built environment.


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